EducArt (Educational program)

We offer courses in theatre, clowning, circus, creativity, team building and educational activities. 


IKIGAI Presentation IKIGAI is a workshop that connects urban intervention and multimedia narrative. It is an opportunity to…

School education ka101 training courses Erasmus+

School education ka101 training courses Erasmus+ INCA believes that art is a very effective tool in terms of…

Per-Cursos: Training modules in immersive theater

The course analyzes, through thematic meetings, the key elements for the creation of immersive and interactive performances.

Past EducArt

AAA – Aplec d’arts aplicades l’art al servei de les comunitats

AAA – Aplec d’arts aplicades l’art al servei de les comunitats L’Aplec d’Arts Aplicades is a meeting. A…