International Network for Cultural and Arts

INCA Catalunya is an independent association of professionals from the world of arts and education who believe in culture as a tool for social transformation. The soul of the association is networking (local and international) and experimentation.

INCA Catalunya’s activities promote intercultural dialogue, favour social inclusion and mutual understanding, against any form of discrimination and racism.

INCA Catalunya is born with a clear international vocation to promote the mobility of people, ideas and artistic products. Locally, INCA Catalunya is active in the Raval neighbourhood of Barcelona and in the community of Llinars del Vallès.

Collaborating institutions: EU, Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona City Council, Fundació Obra social la Caixa, Llinars del Vallès City Council, Casa de Colónies Mogent.


Our main collaborating partners:

Italy: Project XX1, Link, B-Link, Scuola Di danza MOVE ART, FESTIVAL Teatro nel Bicchiere, Cía Tetraedro
Macedonia: Percipio
Portugal: Puzzle
Albania: Bunk-Arts
Germany: INCA Germany
Switzerland: INCA Switzerland
Lithuania: INCA Lithuania
Hungary: Hartemisszió Foundation
Serbia: REACH
Turkey: Utopia Art & Education