Discover the power of storytelling to overcome social exclusion. This

Erasmus+ Youth Exchange uses legends to foster inclusion , by exploring

tales we uncover hidden stories and build a more inclusive future

Theatre, body expression, dance, the art of storytelling, site-specific work, team building and icebreaker activities

Photo by Jared Craig on Unsplash

Welcome to the LEGEND PROJECT!

This educational project is part of the Erasmus+ Programme.

31 Young people from Romania, Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, and Portugal will work together from the 27th of November to the 5th of December around the LEGENDS.

Young people interested in arts, dance, theatre, music, etc will come together to participate in an exciting opportunity to learn from each other how to apply art for social issues.

This project is a collaboration among five European organizations that create a full time intensive, residential programme of activities.

Form each country one group leader will guide the participants to have a full enrichment experience


See you in Llinars del Vallès.

Coordinator and project leader: INCA Catalunya

Partners: Link (Italia), Mhub (Romania), EnvironMental (Bulgaria), Pode ser (Portugal)


Photo by Jared Craig on Unsplash

Info pack para partners

Call for Spanish participants

INCA Catalunya: Acreditada en el Programa Erasmus+ hasta 2027

La Asociación INCA Catalunya ha obtenido la acreditación hasta el año 2027 en el marco del programa Erasmus+

Este reconocimiento por parte de la Agencia Nacional Injuve refuerza el compromiso de INCA Catalunya con la educación y la participación juvenil, ofreciendo oportunidades únicas para el intercambio y la formación de jóvenes en toda Europa. Con esta iniciativa, INCA Catalunya continuará promoviendo la movilidad y el aprendizaje, contribuyendo así a la creación de una juventud más activa y comprometida.